NewPortRichey Fire-Extinguisher Certifications

NewPortRichey Fire-Extinguisher Certification tag is applied to an extinguisher only after a trained and permitted technician has performed an inspection and found the extinguisher to be in proper working order. NewPortRichey Certifications are valid for 1 year after the date punched on the tag. Certification tags can either be hanging paper tag or a sticker applied to the back of the extinguisher.

An annual fire extinguisher inspection, performed by a licensed technician, is the only way to certify an extinguisher. NewPortRichey Fire-Extinguisher Certification is required by local fire safety codes and some insurance carriers. ABCO Fire & Safety will inspect and, if needed, perform the proper maintenance your fire extinguisher needs to obtain its certification.

Yearly Courtesy Call Service

As an additional courtesy, NewPortRichey Fire-Extinguisher Certifications at your request, we offer yearly service calls when your fire extinguisher is due to be re-certified. We keep all records of every fire extinguisher we have ever serviced. With our no contract, yearly call service, we always know what maintenance is due on your extinguisher and can provide you with accurate pricing for the year, and can schedule a convenient day and time to dispatch a technician to your location. This way, there are no surprises and you know your NewPortRichey Fire-Extinguisher Certification is always up to date and compliant. Here is a link for more information regarding the rules and regulations on  Fire Extinguisher Certifications.

Stop by our Pinellas Park walk in office, contact us online, by email, or call us at 727.692.3970 or 813.900.3814 for Fire Extinguisher Certification.

NewPortRichey Fire-Extinguisher Certifications

NewPortRichey Fire-Extinguisher Certifications